Footprint Architecture and Design is a firm committed to healing the environment through effective application of technology and resources.

What if every single act of design and construction made the world a better place?

Whether you want a Personal Architect or assistance in reaching Net-zero Energy for your house I can help you achieve your goals.

I strongly believe that working together will always produce the best solutions. I don’t hold myself out as an authority on everything – I am constantly learning. What I am good at is learning quickly, and combining new knowledge with experience. I’m here to help you by sharing my ideas and finding yours.

My strength lies in my ability to pull with you, to share your burden, and to assist you in getting to where you want to go.

I am always your advocate, seeking solutions that will support your needs. I don’t bring my ego into our work.

I work to ensure that my clients are fully satisfied and that we have achieved their goals. That is a successful project. For some clients, that means handling everything. For others it just means getting them started. Or helping them finish. Wherever the hill is steepest – that’s where I will join you and work.

If you live in the Newark DE area I’d love to get together with you for coffee and conversation. The best thing I can do is talk with lots of people so they know who I am and what I do.

I have a booth at local farmer’s markets answering questions, providing advice, having discussions, and just listening, all for just 25 cents.

If you have a problem that is frustrating you let me help you solve it.

Call me at 302-981-2635 or send me an email at to start the conversation.